not feeling equipped is the main barrier faith sharing.

Finding staff for your discipleship ministry that create efficient systems that fosters spiritual growth, drive engagement and facilitates building community.
Hire StaFF

Shorten your search.

So you can get back to focusing on ministry.

Widen your options.

Don't settle for just anyone in an important staff role.

Expand your expertise.

Get outside guidance to help know you're on track.

it's never been more vital to build the right team.


Believers are involved in discipleship community. 1

Those involved in a discipleship community see a stronger connection between their spiritual life and their day-to-day life
Hire for Discipleship Ministry

Say they like to live a private spiritual life. 2

We need to understand why some believers are not involved in a discipleship community and the first step is in hiring the right staff to figure that out.
Hire for Discipleship Ministry

Of Boomers are least likely to be part of discipleship community. 3

Hiring staff who help create opportunities for all age groups could impact your church for generations to come.
Hire for Discipleship Ministry

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