Phone * Please use the format (###) ###-####
Street Address * Your street address will not be shared on your profile.
City * Your city/state will be listed on your profile.
ZIP * Your street address will not be shared on your profile.
Current Position * What is the name of your current or most recent employer and your job title?
Educational Background * Where did you go to school? What was your degree?
Clifton Strengths (StrengthsFinder) Theme
Enneagram Number Use format "9W1" (you can list just the number if you don't know/have a wing).
Determine Your Greatest Strengths
Select the top 3 strengths that describe you, and rank them below—low to high*
3rd Greatest Strength *
- Select - Achiever Action-Oriented Adventurous Analytical Artistic Authentic Caring Charming Clever Compassionate Communicative Confident Connectedness Courageous Creative Curious Determined Disciplined Educated Emotional Intelligence Energetic Empathetic Entertaining Fast Flexible Focused Helping Ideational Individualization Inspiring Intelligent Leadership Learning Motivated Open-Minded Organized Optimistic Outgoing Patient Passionate Positivity Precise Responsible Self-Controlled Social/People Skills Speaking Spontaneous Strategic Thinking Team-Oriented Thoughtful Visionary Warm Willpower Wisdom
2nd Greatest Strength *
- Select - Achiever Action-Oriented Adventurous Analytical Artistic Authentic Caring Charming Clever Compassionate Communicative Confident Connectedness Courageous Creative Curious Determined Disciplined Educated Emotional Intelligence Energetic Empathetic Entertaining Fast Flexible Focused Helping Ideational Individualization Inspiring Intelligent Leadership Learning Motivated Open-Minded Organized Optimistic Outgoing Patient Passionate Positivity Precise Responsible Self-Controlled Social/People Skills Speaking Spontaneous Strategic Thinking Team-Oriented Thoughtful Visionary Warm Willpower Wisdom
Top Strength *
- Select - Achiever Action-Oriented Adventurous Analytical Artistic Authentic Caring Charming Clever Compassionate Communicative Confident Connectedness Courageous Creative Curious Determined Disciplined Educated Emotional Intelligence Energetic Empathetic Entertaining Fast Flexible Focused Helping Ideational Individualization Inspiring Intelligent Leadership Learning Motivated Open-Minded Organized Optimistic Outgoing Patient Passionate Positivity Precise Responsible Self-Controlled Social/People Skills Speaking Spontaneous Strategic Thinking Team-Oriented Thoughtful Visionary Warm Willpower Wisdom
Average Church Attendance
How far are you willing to relocate?
Current Salary * This will not be listed on your profile—it's only for our team's reference
Desired Salary Range * Please list the range you are willing to consider. This will not be listed on your profile—it's only for our team's reference
Any more details? Tell us about your family!
(example: Matt - married 20 years, Sarah - 17 years old, Amy - 14 years old)
If single, just use: N/A
Testimony Please briefly share your story of how you met Jesus?
Additional Skills * Examples: Front-of-House Engineering, Stage Design, Lighting Design, Loops and Multi-Tracks, Composition, Choir, Social Media, Preaching/Teaching, Writing Curriculum, Leadership Development, Recruiting, Leading Worship, Community Events, Writing Policy/Procedures
Have you led paid staff, and if so please describe.
Church Affiliation or Denomination Please indicate your affiliation/denomination. If yours is not listed, you can simply type your answer.
- Select - Non-Denominational African Methodist Episcopal Church African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A Assemblies of God (AG) Baptist Bible Fellowship International Calvary Chapel Christian Church Christian & Missionary Alliance Christian Reformed Church Church of Christ (non-instrumental) Church of God in Christ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Churches of Christ, Corsicana, Texas Converge The Episcopal Church Evangelical Covenant Church Evangelical Friends Church Evangelical Free Church (EFCA) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Evangelical Presbyterian (EPC) Church Foursquare Church The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America Nazarene Open Bible Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. PCA PC-USA Reformed Church in America (RCA) Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. Seventh-day Adventists Southern Baptist Convention United Methodist Church (UMC) Wesleyan Other/Not listed
View of Baptism Which of the four major views of baptism do you hold?
- Select - Baptism washes away sin and saves the soul (Regeneration View) Baptism is a Sign and Seal of the New Covenant (Coventental View) Baptism as the culminating act of salvation (Salvation Occasion View) Baptism is an outward symbol of personal faith in Christ (Believer’s Baptism View) Do not practice baptism Don’t know/no preferences
Relationship with the Lead Pastor How would you describe the ideal relationship between the Lead Pastor and Yourself?
Leader Testimony Can you briefly share how you became a Christian?
Philosophy of Worship What is your philosophy of worship?